5 business that will thrive during and after COVID-19

Numerous businesses across the world have been crippled by the Covid-19 pandemic. Coupled with the crash in price of crude, experts fear for the worst.

That, notwithstanding, there are some businesses are are doing well in the pandemic.

Below are five businesses that can thrive during and after COVID-19 crisis.

Online Training: People have so much time on their hands and this is the best time to start an online masterclass, webinar etc.

Agriculture: Food is essential at this moment in time. No matter what happens, people will always eat. Now is the time to invest in Agriculture.

Health: The health sector is very important and it is currently thriving. Children, Adults etc will need medical attention at some point.

Education: This is the time to invest in online education. People will have to start taking lectures from the comfort of their homes.

Logistics: Business owners are currently looking for ways to deliver products to their clients. Restaurant owners are in collaboration with logistics companies to help deliver clients orders.

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