DSS confirms arresting Ganduje’s aide, Tanko-Yakasai after earlier denial

Despite denying on Saturday, the Department of State Services (DSS) has now confirmed the arrest of Mallam Salihu Tanko-Yakassai, the sacked Media Aide to Governor Abdullahi Ganduje of Kano State, saying that the action was due to issues beyond the expression of opinion in social media.

The Public Relations Officer of the Service, Dr Peter Afunanya, announced this in a statement on Sunday in Abuja.

“This is to confirm that Salihu Tanko-Yakasai is with the DSS and he is being investigated over issues beyond the expression of opinions in the social media as wrongly alleged by sections of the public,’’ he stated.

Recall that Gov. Ganduje, on Saturday, sacked the media adviser over alleged unguarded comments and utterances.

He said Tanko-Yakassai failed to differentiate between personal opinion and official stand on matters of public concern.

So, he said, he could not be allowed to continue to serve in a government he does not believe in.

Tanko-Yakassai went missing after he criticized the Buhari-led APC government for failing to ensure the security of Nigerians. He made the comments after it was announced that 317 schoolgirls were kidnapped in Zamfara state on Friday.