A six-month-old baby who just survived a heart surgery, now has to battle Coronavirus after she tested positive for the dreaded Coronavirus.
The baby Erin Bates, nicknamed ‘miracle baby’ is now on an oxygen machine as she has been struggling with windpipe problems since birth, but was confirmed on Friday to have COVID-19.
The pictures of the baby released by Metro UK with consent of her parents, show the baby girl lying in hospital on a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine supplying oxygen, surrounded by wires, tubes and equipment.
She had open heart surgery in December and also suffered respiratory syncytial virus, which causes bronchiolitis and pneumonia in babies and can be fatal.
Baby Erin Bates then suffered tracheomalacia and bronchomalacia which required use of the CPAP machine.
Posting on Facebook about her daughter’s diagnosis, Mrs Bates, a travel agent, wrote:
‘Both myself and Wayne are utterly heartbroken yet again that we are in a position where we may lose our little girl if she doesn’t carry on fighting.
‘Please, please, please keep Erin in your prayers. We can’t lose her over this virus. She has battled through too much – we need her, she completes us.’
She added: ‘I hope that those who haven’t taken this virus seriously read this and I hope it now sinks in.’