Participatory Democracy, a Panacea to National Growth – by Nduka Anyanwu

Participatory Democracy, a Panacea to National Growth as the APGA National Chairman, Barrister Sly Ezeokenwa inspires Citizens to be more involved in Governance – Written by NDUKA ANYANWU

Participatory Democracy, a Panacea to National Growth is a viewpoint expressed by the National Chairman of APGA,
emphasizing the significance of citizen involvement in governance as a solution to non-development or under development. The opinion encourages citizens to actively
engage in the democratic process to drive positive change. Here are some key points he made:

Participatory Democracy: The opinion highlights the importance of participatory democracy, which entails active citizen engagement in decision-making, policy formulation, and governance processes. It emphasizes that democracy should not be limited to periodic elections but should involve ongoing citizen participation in shaping the direction and priorities of the nation.

Solution to Non-Development: The viewpoint suggests that non-development or underdevelopment can be addressed through participatory democracy. By actively participating in governance, citizens can contribute their ideas, expertise, and concerns, leading to more informed and impactful decisions. The involvement of citizens can help identify and address the root causes of non-development and pave the way for sustainable and inclusive development.

Citizens’ Role in Governance: The opinion highlights the role of citizens as key stakeholders in governance. It encourages citizens to be proactive, informed, and
vocal in holding elected officials accountable and driving the development agenda. By actively participating in governance processes, citizens can influence policies, demand transparency, and contribute to the overall progress of the nation.

Empowering Citizens: The viewpoint underscores the need to empower citizens with the necessary information, resources, and platforms to engage effectively in governance. This includes providing access to information, promoting civic education, and creating avenues for citizen participation, such as town hall meetings, public consultations, and platforms for feedback and suggestions.

Collaboration and Dialogue: The opinion emphasizes the importance of collaboration and dialogue between citizens and government. It encourages a constructive and inclusive approach, where citizens and government work together to find common solutions, address challenges, and prioritize development initiatives. Collaborative efforts can enhance trust, foster understanding, and lead to more effective and sustainable development outcomes.

Bottom-Up Approach: The viewpoint advocates for a bottom-up approach to
governance, where the voices and needs of local communities are taken into account. It suggests that development policies and programs should be tailored to the specific needs and realities of communities, ensuring that no one is left behind.

By promoting participatory democracy and encouraging citizens to be more involved in governance, the National Chairman of APGA aims to empower citizens, strengthen democratic institutions, and foster a culture of active citizenship. This approach recognizes that citizens have a crucial role to play in shaping the destiny of their nation and driving development from the grassroots up.

Note: This article is written on behalf of Barrister Sly Ezeokenwa, the APGA National Chairman