Popular Naval officer cum comedian, CuteAbiola arrested over birthday pics

Popular Naval Officer cum social media comedian, Abdulgafar Abiola simply known as CuteAbiola, has been arrested by the Nigerian Navy for celebrating his birthday by posing in his official uniform.

According to reports, the officer was arrested around 7pm on Wednesday, April, 29, 2020 in Lagos and is currently being held at the Naval facility in Apapa.

The report making rounds claims that he was arrested because his action isn’t expected of an officer and it may be deemed punishable with a very lengthy detention or dismissal from service.

The report further revealed that CuteAbiola got into trouble after one of his overzealous fans made a video collage of his birthday pictures just to celebrate him. The video, however, went viral on WhatsApp and ended up with the Naval hierarchy.

Meanwhile another report from Kemi Filani News said that the comedian’s arrest was masterminded by a Captain who didn’t like the fact that CuteAbiola was both a Naval officer and a promising comedian as he had warmed him severally to choose between being a Naval officer and an entertainer.

“It’s one of his superiors oh. A Captain who has warned Abiola several times to choose between entertainment and Navy. He said him posting such photos with uniform isn’t expected of an officer” a source told Kemi Filani News.

See some of his comedy skits and his birthday post below.


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