The terrifying moment a murder hornet killed a mouse in a wild struggle was captured in a video that is already going viral on social media.
The Asian Hornets, nicknamed murder hornets because of how lethal they are, were recently spotted in Washington and said to be responsible for the death of countless bees (read more here).

Agricultural officials are asking beekeepers and residents to report any sightings of the giant hornets but advised them not to get too close.
They’re the world’s largest hornets with a sting that can kill humans if stung multiple times, according to experts at the Washington State University.
The hornet can sting a human to death and has killed up to 50 people in one year in Japan.
An old video has now resurfaced shows how much damage the giant hornet can cause in such a short time.
The video shows a mouse struggling helplessly with the hornet that held it firmly.
The two wrestled in a frantic battle, but the hornet managed to crawl onto the mouse’s back and continued to strike with its stinger until the mouse died. The hornet then flew away.
Watch the video below.