The Government Must Do Something… – APGA National W’Leader, Lizzy Nwokeocha

Barr Lizzy Nwokeocha, the National Woman Leader of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), has called on the Nigerian government to do something quickly about the suffering that is dehumanizing citizens.

Nwokeocha expressed worry while speaking with the press on Monday about the recent viral video where a baby was rescued after the mother threw him into the river because she could not afford to buy food for him.

Speaking to the press, the APGA national woman leader said,

“Nigeria as a nation has all it takes to enable the citizens live a good and decent life, but successive bad leadership have dehumanized them and made some barbaric.

What can anyone say about the video that has gone viral of a woman who threw her baby into the lagoon to die because she could not take care of him.

It is heartrending that a sane woman because of hardship in the country occasioned by successive bad leadership has lost the compassion and love of a mother and just threw away her baby like that.

Some people may argue that the woman in that video is mentally challenged. If you have ever seen a mentally challenged woman with a baby, she will do everything with her power to feed, protect and take care of that child. To be able to take away that child from her for better care, you must entice or distract her with something. That is how strong the natural bond of a mother is in protecting and nurturing her baby.

If a mentally challenged woman will do whatever she can to protect her baby, how much more a sane person. The truth is, hardship can make people do unthinkable things.

So, the government of the day must be sensitive to the suffering and pain Nigerians are going through and do something to ameliorate it; especially for women and children because when a woman is helpless in the face of the challenges her children are going through, it’s always unbearable for her.”

If you haven’t seen the video yet, watch the video below.