A South African lady has taken to Twitter to report her ex-boyfriend whom she claimed set her house on fire.
Stating the reason why the man’s decided to commit such heinous crime, the lady revealed that she ended her relationship with the man and he went violent on her.
According to @Monica40449774, her ex-boyfriend went on with the arson attack after driving over her and her mum multiple times. Sharing photos of injuries she sustained and aftermath of attack in their flat, the Twitter user said she is now left with nothing.
She tweeted; “He drove over me & my mom multiple times and went to burn our flat and i have nothing left. This is all because, i ended the relationship”
Below are some comments from Twitter users.
*** He can be arrested but you need to let it go, God has a special way in dealing with people like him.We don’t fight in blood and flesh but in spirit and truth,which is faith.God is playing His part cause you are alive,don’t lose hope, wait upon the Lord and all shall be well.
*** This is bs. She need to open a case and deal with this culprit. Don’t talk about that God mumble jumble
*** I’m not even prepared to argue with any one here coz we’re tweeting amongst abusers who would do or say anything to justify their abusive ways. If your daughter walks in or you walk in on her in this state do you also feel like you need 2 wait and hear the other side of the story
*** you have the most important thing dear, your life. material things can be replaces in time. sorry may you and your mom heal.
*** The comments here!!! Does his side of the story even matter!? No one has the right to do this to another human being!