A young traditionalist has condemned the common depiction of African idols and gods as evil by moviemakers which leaves a bad impression on the African cultural beliefs.
According to a Twitter user identified as IfaFunsho @funshographix, it remains a ‘mental colonialism’ that even African producers follow suit and at some point in time, this notion is to be corrected.

She wrote on Twitter: “If Afrikans want to act films about Satan, they’ll use Afrikan Gods as evil to make us think the Afrikan Gods are evil. But if they want to act films on Jesus or prophet Muhammad, they’ll European Gods so that our children will think their roots is evil. That’s mental colonialism.”

All these ignorant young traditionalists that don’t even know they’re in bondage, please don’t drag everyone to hell with you under the guise of African pride. Jesus is middle eastern and so is mohammed, where did you get your info about them being European from, continue exposing yourself as an ignorant beast, Jesus has revealed that he is the only way to the Father in Heaven, not even mohammed claimed such or anyone else for that matter, then a misguided devil worshipper who has no clue about the origin of the gods she is serving will open her faeces consuming mouth and try to recruit ppl for satan all in the name of ignorance and African pride, pride in what has been proven to have no power and have no choice but to bow down to Jesus Christ the King of Kings . Please try and stop serving your demon gods without Jesus delivering you and see if they are as good as you thought of they won’t torment you. My ppl die for lack of knowledge.